Chuyên Album Goods Kpop chính hãng
Giao hàng toàn quốc qua các đơn vị vận chuyển GIAO HÀNG TIẾT KIỆM, GIAO HÀNG NHANH, Viettel post
Giao hàng nội thành HÀ NỘI - Hỏa tốc trong ngày
Cam kết Chính hãng 100%
* 2nd Release : 2022-07-22 (Estimated)
* Please select wisely because this item cannot be canceled nor refunded once purchased.
* Maximum purchase quantity : 2 EA (Domestic Delivery), 10 EA (EMS. DHL. UPS) / per order.
* Outbox + BLU-RAY (3 Disc) + Photobook (40 P) + 4X6 Photo Set + Random Photocard
* Region Code : All / Subtitle : Korean, English, Chinese
* Product case is for protecting contents. Any defect of the case is not for compensation or replacement.
* Product contents can be changed without notice due to manufacturing issues.
990,000 ₫
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400,000 ₫
600,000 ₫
400,000 ₫
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