Chuyên Album Goods Kpop chính hãng
Giao hàng toàn quốc qua các đơn vị vận chuyển GIAO HÀNG TIẾT KIỆM, GIAO HÀNG NHANH, Viettel post
Giao hàng nội thành HÀ NỘI - Hỏa tốc trong ngày
Cam kết Chính hãng 100%
aespa [MY WORLD] (SMini Ver.)(SMART ALBUM)
(KARINA Ver. / GISELLE Ver. / WINTER Ver. / NINGNING Ver.) (4 Versions Random)
📍Album Details
- COVER 4ea
- Music NFC CD 1ea
- PHOTOCARD Random 1 out of 4
* The fine lines on the surface of the case are caused during the production process and not a defect.
[How to Use the Smart Album SMini Ver.]
1. Install the 'Smart Music Card' application.
2. Log in with your MUSIC NATION SMTOWN account or Smart Music Card account.
3. Tap the NFC CD with your phone.
- iOS: Touch the antenna icon button at the bottom right and then tap the NFC CD.
- Android: Set your phone's NFC to the default mode and then tap the NFC CD.
4. Download the album and enjoy the content.
400,000 ₫
260,000 ₫
280,000 ₫330,000 ₫
400,000 ₫
350,000 ₫
400,000 ₫
260,000 ₫
280,000 ₫330,000 ₫
400,000 ₫
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